Unknown DJ from Spain becoming a star across internet in 24 hours.
La xenofobia baila en Internet (Spanish)
Periodista Digital (click for the entire news)
"Me cago en esos putos rumanos, hijos de puta, voy a cortaros las manos".
Se llaman Me cago en esos putos rumanos y Facha vs. Moro. Se citan en Internet -desde webs con contenidos porno a foros de música bakalao- y la que ataca a los rumanos contaba con 5.800 descargas hasta ayer en una web.
Su autor es un tal Dj Syto. La otra la firma Chivi. Pese a que existe un estrambótico intérprete llamado El Chivi, éste, en su foro, niega la autoría.
5El autor de Me cago en estos putos rumanos, Dj Syto, dice tener 23 años y que su canción fue creada hace uno. Vive en un pueblo de Valencia, "un lugar tranquilo antes de que empezaran a llegar inmigrantes", explica por correo electrónico.
Revista Presei (Romanian)
Romani injurati pe muzica de discoteca
Scandal in Spania. Ziarul El Pais scrie astazi despre un dj, care a lansat pe internet o melodie cu versuri instigatoare la ura de rasa si xenofobie. Cintecul se refera la romanii din Spania si la populatia de culoare, carora autorul le adreseaza injurii.
Autorul acestor versuri, care au socat romanii din Spania si autoritatile din Peninsula Iberica, este un anume DJ Syto, despre care nu se stie prea multe, doar ca si-a inceput cariera muzicala traficand droguri. Numele sau nu figureaza pe nici un site, iar politia spaniola nu l-a identificat inca. Unii dJ-ei romani l-au intalnit pe Syto si l-au catalogat drept "un drogat ratat".
Download DJSyto:"Me Cago En Esos Putos Rumanos"
The unpleasant part of this story is that some bad ideas travel world wide with such a speed that you can't imagine and facts are being unnaturally twisted by people that are sending this "news" and sometime by the press.
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Well .. maybe he should be put in jail but the main ideea is that newspapers make such a case about a 23 years old young spanish guy that lives in a small village of Comunidad Valenciana and published on the internet an anti-romanians song ... A big Nobody. A drog user.
For a better description of this "famous" DJ Syto, who was SO published in most of romanian TV's News and Radio Shows, I invite you to read this news from Levante-EMV, one of the biggest newspaper in Spain and for sure the best in Valencia and Comunidad Valenciana:
"This DJ, accused because he published xenófob songs across Internet, started this racist flame with the help of a porn website (greenshines.com)that shows porn fotos and movies with kids(!).
The music makes you dance and started a movement inside a group of young internet users from Castelló, that said that this songs became famous because people likes to make fun of each others. The song must not offend no immigrant[...]said DJ Syto"
Read the entire news in spanish ...
If you knew he way romanians behave in Spain maybe you´d begin to think about reallity instead of racism.
And when you say "one of the biggest newspaper in Spain and for sure the best in Valencia and Comunidad Valenciana" youre wrong. That´s and unknown regional paper.
With all the respect sir ... maybe there are romanians that did a lot of problems in Spain but starting with this ideea and ending with "voy a cortarlo los manos / hijos de puta / me cago en sus muertes / me cago en sus pais" it's a preatty long educational road don't you think?
You can't judge a nation by outlaws or few known guys with wrong manners. If this can be a point of view we can also say that Italy is the worst nation ever existed because all big gangsters were/are italians! Let's write songs against Italy too! Let't burn clasic / rock / R'n'B / pop music and write anti-nations songs because it's fun!
About El Mercantil Valenciano (Levante), I don't think that it's an unknown regional newspaper (founded in 1872):)). As I noticed, El Mediteraneo and Levante are the 2 most selled newspapers around.
Yesterday, Spanish Police (Guardia Civil) arrested Dj Syto because of this racist song who was published on the internet! The Police accuses him about the crime committed against the exercise of the fundamental rights and the public freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.
Few days before, Dj Syto said in an e-mail interview that the song is about some romanian guys of this village but in the way he wrote it is more fun. Yesterday, El Periódico Mediterraneo managed to locate the young man a few hours before being detained and he denied to be the author of the song against the rumanians: "I have not written this song", he said.
Read the entire news!
Dj Syto queda en libertad con cargos tras prestar declaración.
Read the entire news in El Periódico Mediterraneo
"Una vez detectado el posible autor de los hechos, agentes del cuerpo de seguridad se dirigieron al domicilio para efectuar un registro que les permitiera encontrar pruebas de lo que esta persona estaba realizando. Efectivamente descubrieron que mezclaba su música en formato MP3 con la de otros autores, y que era él mismo el que las publicitaba."
Click to read the entire news in "DelitosInformaticos.Com"!
¿Y que pasa con la libre expresion? ¿Es que los extranjeros son santos? ¡no! El solo habla de los que malean en su pueblo y les hacen alli la vida imposible.
Menuda democracia de mierda!!! Seguro que si a ti te fastidiara un colectivo minoritario y te quejaras y te arrestaran por ello ya no te pareceria tan racista.
Yo soy rumano y vivo en España desde hace 4 años y nunca he tenido algun problema con nadie, en parte entiendo al chico ese porque los gitanos rumanos hacen muchas problemas por España y por Europa y la mayaria de los rumanos normales son criticados!!! A mi me hace mucha gracia la cancion, aunque nos critiquen, a mi no me importa y tampoco a mi familia!
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Spanish Valencia
viva Djsyto!!!!!
y vivan los rumanos que no se ofenden con esta canción, cómo el chico de arriba!!
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