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Sunday, April 03, 2005

Search Engines - Find everything, anywhere, anytime!

Today's blog is about online search engines. An online search engine is a program that search documents for specified keyword and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found. It is formed by a spider (crawler), who is sent out to get website pages, and an indexer that reads this pages to create a catalog based on the word density contained in each document. As a surfer, search engines are more than important because the internet, in my vision, is like a dark "library" where lights must be turned on. You will never be able to see the entire "library" but using some good search engines you will be able to find the most used/usefull "books" (meaningful results). As a webmaster, submitting your work is part of the job. If you want your site to be found on the Internet you would need to submit it to the most online search engines.
If you don't know your online website popularity you can use this "Link Popularity Tool" from SEOChat.
Link Popularity Tool © SEO Chat
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If you want your website indexed by more and more search engines you can use this list of top 50 online search engines (rankings being determined by Alexa). The list is automatically updated each month by Alexa and can be found at FreeWebSubmission.

Top Search Engines and Directories by Alexa
1. Yahoo! Search - [add link]
2. MSN - [add link]
3. Google - [add link]

The following are only submit pages or docs.
4. About
5. Open Directory
6. Accoona
7. ExactSeek
8. ScrubTheWeb
9. SearchIt
10. What U Seek
11. Buzzle
12. Gimpsy
13. SearchSight
14. EntireWeb
15. Ezilon
16. SearchHippo
17. Web World
18. MixCat
19. Starting Point
20. MavicaNET
21. AbiLogic
22. Aeiwi
23. IllumiRate
24. World Site Index
25. Subjex
26. NetInsert
27. Amfibi
28. WebbieWorld
29. TowerSearch
30. SearchEngine.com
31. Info Tiger
32. SplatSearch
33. TurnPike
34. Qango
35. Any Search Info
36. CanLinks
37. SearchKing
38. Claymont
39. Cipinet
40. Zeezo
41. JDGO
42. Sphericom
43. Walhello
44. Hedir
46. Look
47. NetSearch
48. SurfGopher
49. SearchPole
50. SezzA

You can use all this links to submit your page but also you can use free or payed auto-submitters. This will be subject for another blog. Until then feel free to use FreeWebSubmission submitter or comment this blog with any usefull information. Just click "Comments" link!


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