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Friday, March 18, 2005

MMORPGs - living online creatures!

A massive(ly) multiplayer online role-playing game or MMORPG is a multiplayer computer role-playing game that enables thousands of players to play in an evolving virtual world at the same time over the Internet. MMORPGs are a specific type of massive(ly) multiplayer online game (MMOG).
You can play them using a console but there are many games that can be played using only a browser and an internet connection. Yes sir! I'm talking about browser based games and guess what! Most of them are free :).
During the last 2 years I can say that browser based games took a big part of my life. I play one game called Kings Of Chaos and I builded 2 browser based games (but this is another story, another blog).
Kings of Chaos, for example, does not make any graphic impresion. Ten, maybe fifteen .jpgs and .gifs and a lot of text. What make him important and world wide known are the players! Being so addictive KoC succeded to host in 2 and a half years more than 100.000 active players and perhaps another ~50.000 curious users. Players are joining alliances. Alliances are building forums, websites, IRC Networks and recruiters to comunicate. IRC chat channels, MSN chats and YM conferences are invided every day by KoC players just to talk about the latest changes, to attack or to sabb other alliance, to join under someone's command or to create great conspirations.
There is no joke in saying that KingsOfChaos it's a living creature that eats a lot of time to be played.Take a look! It wouldn't bite but for sure will steal a little bit of you online leisure ;).

Here is a list of some browser based games that for some reason I think they deserve to be played:
UTOPIA - one of the top MMORPGs,
Darkthone - a new and popular MMORPG,
Darkgalaxy - an online multiplayer space strategy game
Conquista Morella - Es su turno ... majestad - spanish language; my MMORPG

Until next time ... good luck and have fun!


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